Joe Biden took a victory lap last night outperforming the pundits and jumping to a big delegate lead over rival Bernie Sanders after Super T...
Everyone Loses in Dem’s South Carolina Debate Bar Fight
The Democratic 2020 Presidential candidates took off the gloves once again and did their level best to kneecap one another at the most recen...
Vaping Epidemic Is More Than Just Hot Air
For a brief moment it seemed that vaping was a fad destined to die. When electronic cigarettes -- commonly known as "vapes" due to...
Social Binges on Intermittent Fasting Diets
Fad diets have come a long way since Atkins and Paleo. The latest trimming trend sweeping the world is intermittent fasting, in which adhere...
The Bloom is Off the Bloomberg Rose as Warren Wins The Night
The gloves came off Wednesday night in Nevada at the 9th Democratic debate of the 2020 race for the White House. It was the first debate sho...